Markus Hill is an independent asset management consultant since mid-2005. His professional background includes companies such as SEB Bank (Marketing/Product Management, Investment Banking) and Credit Suisse Asset Management (Sales, Asset Management). His fields of activity include the management of mandates in the marketing, sales, and PR sector.
As a former Head of Sales of mutual funds at an investment boutique (stocks and bonds) and in the external cooperation with a fund of funds manager, small to medium-sized asset management companies are in the focus of his interest.
Besides, he deals journalistically with the topics of fund boutiques (fundboutiques.com) and the use of mutual funds at institutional investors, as well as with the subject of target fund selection in multi-management approaches.
Frankfurt am Main, as a city, always offers sufficient reason for rubbing and polishing. On the one hand, against the background of topics such as Brexit, ECB policy, and the financial industry, the importance of the business location is given priority; on the other hand, the city is often wrongly accused of lacking attractiveness in areas such as culture and quality of life. Controversial views invite dialogue, so far so good. Frankfurt’s qualities as a central location and multiplier are undisputed when it comes to topics such as financial communication and financial industry events. In addition to well-known formats such as the BVI Asset Management Conference, Institutional Money Congress, or formats such as the German Equity Forum, there are a large number of lesser-known, smaller events.